Lon Rombough has died. He was one of our foremost grape experts, and a friend, my mentor for hybrid grapes. He grew dozens of important grape varieties (and apples, quinces, and other fruits, too), published important books on fruits, was kind enough to let me visit (in Aurora OR) and learn from him, and even came to one of my wine tastings (of hybrid wines--the kind of grapes he grew).
He wrote to me just last week. It is very difficult to imagine this. We are all so frail.
It is hard to describe how much sheer knowledge and wisdom this man had, and how unselfishly he shared it. I will always think of him.
The takeaway is to find what you love, and do it, as he did. If your own "love" lies ever just in the future, being held off until some other day, don't wait too long. For someday will be our last day.
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