The New York Times ran an amazing article about Beef Products, Inc., supplier of ground beef to McDonalds, Burger King, and other fast food chains.
This lovely beef company is adding ammonia, a known poison, to its ground beef, in order to kill any e.coli bacteria which may be lurking therein. In addition, it waters down its ground beef by adding something called "pink slime" to the beef--something that reputable butchers would never sell as ground beef. That is one reason why your hamburger at McD's and B.King can be so inexpensive. Sadly, the ammonia didn't even kill the e.coli--but it did cause several states to return the beef as inedible, due to the overpowering ammonia smell.
I admit that I occasionally drop by McD's, or B.King, or Dairy Queen, for a burger. No more.
Safe sources of beef (no pink slime; no ammonia added; no antibiotics or hormones added):
All McMenamins locations (Oregon Country Natural beef)
Lots of restaurants who grind their own ground beef, but you have to check.
Safe source of chicken: Chipotle; Panera
Safe source of pork: Chipotle (but note: Chipotle is not a safe source of beef)
Yuck. Sad day for our republic, when the government, which is so bought off by industry lobbyists, will not only do nothing to prevent something like this, but our government actually allowed it and tacitly encouraged it. All we can do as citizens is complain, "throw the bums out," and stop buying fast food burgers, while telling the food chains why.
http://newyorktimes.com/2009/12/31meat.html and search for "ground beef"
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